Founder Stories: Fill Your Cup

In our latest Founder Stories, we explore the powerful impact of seemingly unrelated activities - writing and reading - on the entrepreneurial spirit and personal well-being.


During a challenging phase, I embarked on a spiritual retreat with the Shakers, a religious community. There, I found refuge in poetry, penning "Secular Religion" – a piece reflecting my quest for spiritual healing through the embrace of words and language.

Secular Religion - A Poem

I am having a hard time. 

I took some time to rest. 

A week among nature and peace. A time of beauty. 

The Shakers – old friends – welcomed me back. 

The last time I was here was six years ago for one week. 

Brother Arnold lists his occupation as ‘Religious Brother,’ which caused confusion for a health insurance claim involving an accident with a pig. 

A funny image, like a man of God in line at the DMV. But men of God need licenses. 

Brother Arnold let me borrow his car. I am not a man of God. I have a license. 

Needing spiritual healing but absent faith in any religion, I have turned my attention to words. 

I need grounding. 

The dictionary, a type of secular bible. The word for ‘book’ in many languages related to ‘bible’. 

I find peace and solace studying words, etymology, usage, and meaning. 

The English language a safe haven for my troubled soul. 

I study my religious texts at Sabbathday Lake where Shakers since the 18th century have studied theirs. 

I am taking pleasure in carefully constructing nonsense and then turning it into sense. 

“I am having a license,” by itself meaningless, would become “I am having a license to not be OK.” 

I am having a license to not be OK.


Writing offers clarity, while reading provides companionship. Immersed in Ben Lerner's novels during my stay with the Shakers, I found therapeutic solace. His works weren't just an escape but a journey into understanding and appreciation.

Fill Your Cup

Life is about balance - working hard, playing hard, and thinking deeply. For me, reading and writing are not just hobbies; they are essential practices that 'fill my cup.'

What about you? How do you find your equilibrium in life's chaos? Share your strategies for maintaining work-life balance or achieving emotional and spiritual balance. It's about thriving in life's challenges, not just enduring them.

Share your personal stories, hobbies, or even your favorite reads. Our collective experiences, be they challenging work scenarios, creative outlets, or immersive literature, shape us as holistic individuals, not just as professionals.

Special thanks to my mentor, Olivier Labbe, for the constant reminder to 'fill my cup.'

Opportunity in AI & Museum Curation:

  • For those interested in AI and museum curation, there may be an exciting part-time/short-term opportunity. Feel free to reach out for more details.

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